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And Other Correspondences to Local Newspapers 
from the Saints of the Upper Satilla, 1913-1922 

    "Utah News" was a recurring column in The Douglas Enterprise, written by correspondents from 'Utah School' (at the Axson Branch of the LDS Church, or "Utah Church"), from 1913 to around 1918. Though school and community-based news segments were common in small papers, "Utah News," more than a mere gossip column for the Little Utah community, but also served as the Church's medium for making official announcements, communicating, sharing views and beliefs, and providing a voice for a section of society otherwise unspoken for; a sense of legitimacy for a community theretofore not entirely accepted as legitimate. The column was more valuable to the Latter-day Saints in the region than they or their neighbors likely realized, and remains a valuable source of insight into the development of a unique religious community.

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